Food Day
National Food Day is on October
24, 2015. The theme this year is "Toward a Greener
Diet." What does this mean? To keep it simple it means
to eat real food. Eat real food that is produced locally. Eat real
food that is produced locally and sustainably. How do we do this?
Start at your local farmer's market. Get to know your vendors and ask
where the food was grown. Ask about growing practices.
is this important?

Doesn't this cost a lot of money? No! Eating locally produced food
is actually cheaper than buying mass produced processed food. Don't
believe me? Try it. I challenge everyone to take the Food Day
Challenge. The challenge is to allow a budget of $5 per person per
day and plan a menu for 3 days.
Food Day Challenge Rules:
Pick any 3 days in October
Allow for $5 per person per day
Allowable items include:
· You may use coupons.
· You are allowed to “share” (For example if the item is “Buy One Get One” you can split the cost with a friend)
Items that are not allowed:
wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco
paper products
and medicines
Hot foods
take the challenge and share your experience.
In upcoming posts, I’ll share how I fed my family for just $5 per person per
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