Monday, October 5, 2015

Healthy Breakfast Bars

I've been looking for the right weight loss program or healthy eating plan to add to my practice.  I want to offer something easy, attainable and realistic.  I found a program that really works: meal replacement, low carb, high protein.  There was just one problem.  The meal replacements were loaded with additives and artificial ingredients.  These foods would be ok for a once and a while situation, but I could not advocate for daily use.  So, back to the drawing board I went.

One thing I really enjoyed about the meal replacement program, was the ease of use.  I ended up in a routine of eating a breakfast bar with my black coffee every morning.  There was no meal prep and no thought. I would just grab a bar along with my coffee in a travel mug to enjoy while I brought my kids to school.  In a busy world, this is great.  But I've always recommended real food to my clients.  This was the complete opposite. 

My idea: homemade meal replacements.  For the next few weeks I will be trying out different homemade bars.  There is some meal prep but you can make a bunch of these in advance, store them in the freezer and then grab and go. 

Here is my first attempt and I must say these bars are absolutely delicious.  I started with a google search and thought these bars looked interesting.  I made slight modifications to increase the protein content.  I store the bars in the freezer and thaw about 10 minutes before I want to eat.

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